Charity and Social Club Donations
We prefer not normally to donate money to charities and social clubs, but help them more by extending our services over a longer period of time either for free, or heavily discounted. However, we have been known to make small one off monetary donations from time to time where we feel it is more beneficial.
How To Apply
In order to receive support or a one off donation, please write to our head office in Dublin with…
- A written reason on headed paper as to why we should consider making a donation of support, money or equipment to support your charity or club. If this is time critical, please explain why. *
- A photocopy of your charity registration certificate. *
- A recent photocopy of your bank statement showing that the account number belongs to the name of the charity. *
* This is required or your request will be rejected.
Requests are considered as one off request, so consider asking for on going services rather than donations, it may be worth more.
Please note that we can only make a limited charity donation in either EU Euros, UK Sterling, or, US Dollars.
Do not email us as this may be filtered out as spam. Please write by post.
We will consider your one off request, and normally reply by post within 28 days. All formal requests by letter as set out above are responded to.